ⲡⲓⲁⲛⲁⲅⲛⲟⲥⲧⲏⲥ (Reader)

Reader Ordination Requirements and Examination

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; One God. Amen.

The ordination of an individual to the rank of reader is at the discretion and calling of the father the priest. Upon seeing that an individual satisfies the below requirements, and that the church has need for more readers, the priest may choose to call an individual to the service of reader. If the individual accepts, he can begin the process of examination outlined below. Then, his name is submitted to His Eminence the Metropolitan Abba Youssef or HG Bishop Basil for ordination. The candidate will meet with the father the bishop the night before his ordination.

Character and Habit Requirements
  • At least 16 Years Old
  • Involved in the service of the church
  • 80% Attendance in Weekly Services: Liturgy, Vespers, Midnight Praises
  • Regularly receiving the Mysteries: Confession and the Eucharist
  • Proper attire and general appearance: clothes, hair, nails, etc.
  • Not under the sway of bad habits (smoking, vaping, alcohol, etc.)
  • Having completed the Pre-servants program
  • Has not actively sought or requested promotion in the ranks of the diaconate
Proficiency Requirements
  • Demonstrate Proficiency in the memorized Agpeya Prayers (Thanksgiving, Psalm 50, Creed, Trisagion, "Let us praise...", "Graciously Accord...", etc.)
  • Demonstrate Proficiency in the Sunday Midnight Praise (Four Canticles, Doxologies, Sunday Theotokia)
  • Display good reading ability in the Lectionary in at least one language (English, Arabic)
  • Demonstrate Proficiency in the Church Hymns (main hymn for each occasion: Kiahk, Nativity, Lent, Holy 50 Days, etc.)

* Denotes a Diocese Requirement

  1. Submission of written summary to the following videos:
  2. Passing the Written Exam:
  3. Passing the Oral Exam:
    • Includes a reading exam of several Church Readings from the Lectionary
    • Includes memorized Agpeya Prayers
    • Includes some hymns (not memorized)
Reader Duties & Responsibilities
  1. To regularly check the Readings Schedule for assigned readings
  2. To practice the readings in advance
  3. To loudly and clearly read the readings to the people, giving the sense
  4. To remember the names of departed patriarchs in every liturgy
  5. To serve in the sanctuary on weekday liturgies whenever possible, and volunteer to be scheduled
Reader Vestments

Tonias must have crosses and should NOT have pictures of saints on them.

This is the ONLY approved style, color and method of dress for the stole (badrasheil) of the Reader in the diocese!